Second Hand Graham Farish Trains
Find some great trains and locomotives in second hand condition made by Graham Farish, available to buy from sellers throughout the UK. These come in some interesting models, perfect for all sets and layouts. They come in different conditions and types, depending on what you need and your budget.
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Graham Farish 372-726 Class 5MT Standard 4-6-0 73158 in BR lined black (S) | £110.00 or make offer £3.67 delivery |
N Gauge Farish 8 Car HST BR Blue Grey - Both Cars Powered With Brass Gears | £199.95 Free delivery |
Graham Farish Bachmann Jubilee class 45699 "Galatea" | £99.00 or make offer £2.95 delivery |
Graham Farish Class 3MT Steam Loco | £79.99 or make offer £3.39 delivery |
Graham Farish 8004 N Gauge BR Green Class 47 D1662 I.K. Brunel | £54.99 £4.99 delivery |
Graham Farish N 372-527 BR Lined Black 2-6-4T Class 4MT Tank Weathered (S) | £80.00 or make offer £3.67 delivery |