Second Hand Lego
If you are looking to buy second hand Lego, then you can find it available from sellers throughout the UK. There are many listings of Lego in both small and bulk quantities. This used Lego is perfect for buying for your children so that they can make many amazing creations, whilst also growing their collection!
Sets – Bulk – 1kg – 2kg – 5kg – 10kg – 15kg – 20kg
We may be compensated for any purchases made
Lego 1kg Mixed Bricks random pieces 20% of when buying 4 | £13.91 or make offer Free delivery |
5kg Mixed Lego | 5 Lots | Used Mixed Lego Pieces | £40.00 or make offer £7.00 delivery |
1 kg bag LEGO Bundle Mixed Bricks Parts Pieces Minifigure starter Job Lot Set | £15.99 £3.99 delivery |
LEGO Star Wars 75214 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter: Completed | £15.00 or make offer £3.39 delivery |
LEGO Technic 200+ Mixed Liftarms, Bushes, Pins, Axles, Connectors, Gears | £16.00 Free delivery |
LEGO Technic 160+ Mixed Parts, Bushes, Pins, Axles, Connectors, Gears - FREE P&P | £9.99 Free delivery |
The great thing about buying bulk Lego and sets online is that you have more choice over what you build, rather than paying for specific models in the shop and slowly collecting the bricks over time. There is so much different Lego to pick from, in different themes, colours and types, that you are sure to find just what you need!