Second Hand Hornby Trains
Find all the Hornby trains and carriages you may need in second hand condition, for adding to your current Hornby trains set and track layout. Available as engines, through to full trains including wagons and carriages, these great trains come in all styles and models depending on what you are looking for. Find some bargains from model train enthusiasts around the UK!
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HORNBY R2382 CLASS 5MT No.44666 BR Black Weathered | £85.00 or make offer £3.39 delivery |
OO Gauge Hornby R3291XS DCC SOUND Class 56 094 Colas Rail Freight Loco | £189.95 Free delivery |
OO Gauge Hornby R3048 DCC FITTED Class 08 673 InterCity Shunter Loco Piccadilly | £94.95 Free delivery |
*UNIQUE* DCC FITTED Hornby Virgin Pendolino Delner Coupling Motorised Power Car | £114.99 Free delivery |
Hornby Locomotive R855 Class 92 92022 'Charles Dickens' in Railfreight livery | £34.50 or make offer £4.00 delivery |
OO Gauge Hornby R3523 BR 4-6-0 Class B17 61665 Leicester City BR Green Loco | £99.95 Free delivery |